Sometime after Paul died, his widow, Lily, was finally able to speak about what a thoughtful and wonderful man her late husband had been.she told her friends. Just before he died, Paul handed me three envelopes. he told me, her friends asks.So I bought a beautiful mahogany(桃花心木) casket with such a fortable lining that I know Paul is resting fortably.”I arranged Paul a vey dignified funeral and bought all his favorite food for everyone attending.asked her friends.showing off her 10 carat diamond ring.保罗死后过了一段时间,遗孀莉莉最终觉得是时候跟大伙说说她的丈夫多么体贴多么好。“保罗什么事情都安排好了,”莉莉跟朋友们说,“临死时,保罗给我三个信封。‘莉莉’他说,‘这三个信封里装有我的遗愿。我死后请你打开,按照我说的去做,那样,我就安息了。’”“信封里装的什么愿望啊?”朋友们问。“第一个信封里有5000美元和一张条,‘请用这些钱每一副好棺材。’我就买了一副舒适衬里的红木棺材,漂亮大方,我知道保罗躺在里面一定很舒适。”“第二个信封里有一万美元和一张条,‘请用这些钱办一个像样的葬礼。’‘我就为保罗张罗了一个体面的葬礼,买了所有保罗最爱吃东西给所有人分享。’”“第三个信封呢?”朋友朋友经典语录们追问。“第三个信封里有3万美金和一张条,‘请用这些钱买一块上好的石头(指墓碑)’”莉莉举起手来说:“看,这块石头好看吗?”莉边说边秀着她十克拉的钻戒。