
1、对于所受的伤害,宽恕比得仇更高尚,鄙视比雪耻更有气派。富兰克林 For all the damage, forgiveness than revenge more noble, disdain is more magnificent than revenge。

2、紫罗兰把它的香气留在那踩扁了它的脚踝上。这就是宽怒。马克吐温 Violet aromas of it on the stomp it's ankle。 This is the wide rage。

3、只有勇敢的人才懂得如何宽容;懦夫绝不会宽容,(next88)这不是他的本性。斯特恩 Only the brave people know how to tolerance; Coward never tolerant, it is not his nature。

4、人们应该彼此容忍:每一个人都有弱点,在他最薄弱的方面,每一个人都能被切割捣碎。济慈 People should be tolerant to each other, each people all have weaknesses, in his the weakest aspects, each and every one can be cut up。

5、人本该是有良心的,就连最残酷的心也会有宽恕他人的短暂、美好的记忆。塞弗尔特 People should be have a conscience, even the most cruel heart will have the short, memories of forgiveness。

6、宽容意味着尊重别人的无论哪种可能有的信念。爱因斯坦 Tolerance means respect yourself, respect others no matter what kind of possible beliefs。

7、请尽量相信,每一个有坏处的人都有他值得人同情和原谅的地方。一个人的过错,常常并不只是他一个人造成的。罗兰 Please try to believe that everyone has a bad he is worthy of sympathy and forgive。 A person's fault, he often is not just a personal cause of。

8、善良的、忠实的心里充满着爱的人,不断地给人间带来幸福。马克?吐温 Kind, loyal heart full of love, constantly bring happiness to the world。

9、谁若想在困厄时得到援助,就应在平日待人以宽。萨迪 If who want to get assistance when hardship, you should treat people with wide on weekdays。

10、用谅解、宽恕的目光和心理看人、待人,人就会觉得葱宠的世界里,春意盎然,到处充满温暖。蔡文甫 With understanding and forgiveness vision and psychological look at people, treat people, people will feel green pet world, the awaken of spring is abundant, everywhere is full of warmth。

11、得放手时须放手,可饶人处且饶人。沈采 When have to let go, please let go, can be set in place and set。

12、能容小人,方成君子。冯梦龙 Can let person, is a gentleman。

13、宽恕而不忘却,就如同把斧头埋在土里而把斧柄留在外面一样。巴斯克里 Forgive and not to forget, like axe buried in the soil and its handle stay outside。

14、愈是自己有错的人愈不肯宽恕别人,这是个规律。博马舍 The more the more you have the wrong people refuse to forgive others, this is a rule。

15、能宽恕别人是一件好事,但如果能将别人的错误忘得一干二净那就更好。勃朗宁肯 To forgive others is a good thing, but if the mistakes of others can be forgotten so much the better。

16、没有宽宏大量的心肠,便算不上真正的英雄。普希金 Not generous heart, not real hero。

17、正义之神,宽容是我们最完美的所。屠格涅夫 The god of justice, tolerance is we have the most perfect。

18、宽恕可以交友,当你能以豁达光明的心地去宽恕别人的错误时,你的朋友自然就多了。罗兰 Forgiveness can make friends, when you can to open-minded bright minds to forgive the mistakes of others, your friends more naturally。

19、以温柔、宽厚之心待人,让彼此都能开朗愉快地生活,或许才是最重要的事吧。松下幸之助 With gentle, generous to others and let each other to a bright and cheerful disposition, a happy life is perhaps the most important thing。

20、一旦能容纳自己的失败,就会变得比失败更强大。哈罗德?埃文斯 Once can acmodate your failure, it will bee more powerful than failure。

21、心胸豁达!足能涵万物,心胸狭隘!无能容一沙。安东尼奥?波尔基亚 The breadth of mind open-minded! Enough to contain everything, narrow mind! Can let a sand。

22、如果一个人宽恕了别人,那么他便觉得自已非常坚强。小仲马 If a person to forgive others, so he felt himself very strong。

23、生活中,谅解可以产生奇迹,谅解可以挽回感情上的损失,谅解犹如一个火把能照亮由焦躁、怨恨复仇心理铺就的道路。穆尼尔?纳素夫 Life, understanding can produce miracles, understanding can stop emotional loss, understanding is like a torch can illuminate from anxiety, resentment, revenge mental paved roads。

24、宽恕给予我们再度去爱的机会,又帮助我们敝开心怀,既能给予爱,又能接受爱。约翰?格雷 Forgiveness to give us the opportunity to love again, and help us open heart, can not only give love, and can accept the love。

25、尽量宽恕别人,而决不要原谅自己。西拉斯 Try to forgive others, but never forgive myself。

26、唯宽可以容人,唯厚可以载物。薜渲 Only can allowing people wide, only thick can slide。

27、宽宏精神是一切事物中最伟大的。欧文 Generous spirit are the greatest of all things。

28、人的心只有拳头那麽大,可是一个好人的心是容得下全世界的。罗大里 Man's heart only fist so big, but a good heart is hold all over the world。

29、宽恕一个敌人要比宽恕一个朋友容易。布菜克 Forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend。

30、世界上最宽阔的是海洋,比海洋更宽阔的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的胸怀。雨果 The world's most broad is sea, wider than the ocean is the sky, more spacious than the sky, that is the human mind。

31、江海不与坎井争其清,雷霆不与蛙蚓斗其声。刘基 Jianghai not with KanJing for its clear, not fought the frog vermis its thunder sound。

32、遇方便时行方便,得饶人处且饶人。吴承恩 Meet a convenient single, is set in place and set。

33、不会宽容别人,是不配受到别人的宽容的。屠格涅夫 Not tolerant of others, is unworthy of the tolerance of other people。

34、宽恕而不忘却,就像把斧头埋在土里,而斧柄还露在外面。巴斯克里 Forgive and don't forget, like axe is buried in the soil, and its handle is exposed。

35、人心不是靠武力征服,而是靠爱和宽容大度征服。斯宾诺 The heart is not conquered by force, but by love and tolerance。

36、宽容产生的道德上的震动比责罚产生的要强烈得多。苏霍姆林斯基 Vibrations in the tolerance of ethics than punishment have much stronger。

37、谅解也是一种勉励、启迪、指引,它能催人弃恶从善,使歧路人走入正轨,发挥他们的潜力。穆尼尔?纳素夫 Understanding is a kind of encouragement, enlightenment, guidance, it can make people lazy, make the circuit on track, play to their potential。










