
《低俗小说》6个彼此独立而又紧密相连的故事所构成,6个故事都各自讲述了一个不同的事件,但他们却都有着共同的戏剧属性将它们紧密相连。一个拳击手,两个打手,黑帮老大以及鸳鸯大盗这些人物的命运在短短的两天中交集在一起,演绎出了这部黑色幽默的犯罪群戏。结构巧妙而富有深意,精彩的对白。片中每个人的身上都有着美好的品质,却都无可救药的走向了黑暗与迷茫。各个段落不分首尾,互补结构,开 头和结尾相连,暗示现实中类似影片中的情节总在发生,永不停歇。

1.这圈子有一大堆蠢蛋 不肯向现实低头。

See, this business is filled to the brim with unrealistic motherfuckers

2.那些胆敢残害荼毒我同伴之人 我将向他们大施报复。

And I will strike down upon thee "with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers.

3.Pumpkin: The way it is now, you're taking the same risk as when you rob a bank. You take more of a risk, banks are easier. You don't even need a gun in a federal bank. I mean, they're insured, why should they give a fuck? I heard of this one guy, walks into a bank with a portable phone. He gives the phone to the teller, a guy on the other end of the line says, we've got this guy's little girl, if you don't give him all your money, we're gonna kill her.



for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men


Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will


Busboys, some wetback getting paid $1 50 an hour really give a fuck you're stealing from the owner?

8.不过脚底按摩和跟女人上床 是两码子事 差多了。

but you know touching his wife's feet and sticking your tongue in her holiest of holies ain't the same fucking ballpark It ain't the same league It ain't even the same fucking sport.

9.I wouldn't go so far as to call the brother fat I mean, he got a weight problem What's the nigger gonna do, he's Samoan.

他不胖 他只是吃太多了。

10.Mia: I do believe Marsellus Wallace, my husband, your boss, told you to take ME out and do WHATEVER I WANTED. Now I wanna dance, I wanna win. I want that trophy, so dance good.



she was the deadliest woman in the world with a knife.

12.没事 没碰过这么诡异的一天 先骑上来再慢慢说。

Honey, since I left you, this has been without a doubt the single weirdest fucking day of my life Come on, hop on I'll tell you all about it.


Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?

14.我没跟这种蠢蛋嗑过药 我朋友都很有经验。

I never had to I don't go joypopping with a bunch of bubblegummers My friends can handle their highs.

15.狗很脏没错 可是并不龌龊

I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty.


Ah, so by that rationale if a pig had a better personality he would cease to be a filthy animal Is that true?

17.狗有人性 这就够了。

But a dog's got personality Personality goes a long way.

18.我紧张就会怕 怕了就会杀人。

And when I get nervous, I get scared And when motherfuckers get scared that's when motherfuckers accidentally get shot.









